Bury Investment Bank

Site and company details

buryinvestment.org (the “site”) is owned by Bury Investment Bank (“Bury Investment”) and is the site which provides information on the company and the products and financial services offered by Bury Investment and other members of the Bury Investment Group. Bury Investment Bank is a company incorporated in England and Wales with limited liability by Royal Charter 1853, under reference ZC18 and the principal office of the company is situated in England at 1 Basinghall Avenue, London, EC4V 5DD, UK. The “Bury Investment Group” means Bury Investment, its subsidiaries, its holding companies and subsidiaries of those holding companies.

Bury Investment is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority. Bury Investment’s VAT number in the UK is GB247973482.

Use of this site

buryinvestment.org provides you with information on the products and financial services offered by Bury Investment and other members of the Bury Investment Group, and also provides you with links to the local websites of Bury Investment and other buryinvestment.org sub-sites (collectively “local site(s)”). Your use of this site is governed by these terms of use (“Terms of Use”) and our privacy policy and cookies policy. This is a legally binding agreement between you and Bury Investment establishing the terms and conditions under which this site may be used. Your use of the site constitutes your acceptance of these Terms of Use.

Local sites

This site does not allow you to directly purchase our products and financial services. Please refer to your local site for further information on products and services offered in your relevant country. Your use of the local site(s) will be governed by both these site Terms of Use and the terms and conditions set out for the relevant local site. In the event of conflict between (1) these site Terms of Use, and (2) the local site’s terms and conditions, the local site’s terms and conditions shall prevail to the extent of such conflict with respect to your use of the local site(s).


Bury Investment controls this site from England. Bury Investment makes no representation that content on the Site are appropriate or available for use outside England. If you choose to access the site from other locations, you do so at your own risk. Transactions with any other Bury Investment  entity outside the UK or other members of the Bury Investment Group outside the UK are not subject to the UK’s regulatory regime for the conduct of investment business. The conduct of investment business with any Bury Investment entity outside the UK or other members of the Bury Investment Group outside the UK is regulated by varying authorities and securities legislation in different jurisdictions as specified on the relevant local sites.


The material and information contained on this site and any local site(s) (collectively “Bury Investment sites”) are provided for general information only and should not be used as a basis for making business or investment decisions. Any information on the Bury Investment sites should not be relied upon without consulting primary, more accurate or more up-to-date sources of information or specific professional advice, which we recommend you to obtain. Bury Investment makes no representation or warranty of any kind, whether express, implied or statutory regarding the material and information contained or referred to on each page associated with the Bury Investment sites.

No warranty is given that economic reporting information or data is accurate, reliable or up to date on the Bury Investment sites. Geographic, political, economic, statistical, financial and exchange rate data are presented in certain cases in approximate, summary or simplified form and may change over time. Reliance has been placed by the editors on certain external statistical data which, though believed to be correct, may not in fact be accurate.

The Bury Investment sites may contain articles and materials written by third party authors or contributors. All opinion or analysis expressed are those of the author (whether the author is from Bury Investment or a third party contributor) and do not reflect the views of Bury Investment. Nothing shall in the articles and materials should be construed as asserting or implying Bury Investment’s endorsement of the author’s views.

Bury Investment’s inclusion of hyperlinks on the Bury Investment sites does not imply any endorsement of the material on such sites. Any hyperlinks from Bury Investment sites exists for information purposes and are for your convenience only. Bury Investment is not responsible for the contents of third party websites. If you visit third party websites, then your rights and obligations while accessing and using those sites will be governed by the agreements and policies relating to use of those third party sites.